Elbow Dislocation Rehab Protocol: What You Need to Know


Did you know that elbow dislocations are one of the most common joint dislocations, accounting for up to 25% of all such injuries in America? If you've recently gone through this painful experience, understanding the elbow dislocation rehab protocol is crucial for successful recovery. In this article, we'll go through the key components of this rehab process, including [...]

Elbow Dislocation Rehab Protocol: What You Need to Know2023-11-03T17:06:38+00:00

Golf Elbow vs. Tennis Elbow: What Are the Differences?


Ever since the pandemic, solo sports like golf and tennis have been on the rise. While these sports are a great way to enjoy the outdoors while exercising, there is a drawback. Both golf and tennis are associated with a variety of elbow injuries. So much so that they both have a name associated with them: [...]

Golf Elbow vs. Tennis Elbow: What Are the Differences?2023-11-03T17:06:54+00:00

A Guide to Recovering From a Partial Distal Bicep Tendon Tear


It may surprise you to learn that over 95% of patients with a distal bicep rupture are male. This is likely due to the fact that this injury often occurs during contact sports. Even a partial distal bicep tendon tear can be difficult to deal with. Both of these injuries can require surgery. It's essential to understand [...]

A Guide to Recovering From a Partial Distal Bicep Tendon Tear2023-09-26T22:47:31+00:00

3 Risks of Delaying Shoulder Replacement Surgery


Have you suffered from any shoulder pain in recent months? Do you feel like you have limited mobility in your arms or have trouble falling asleep at night due to the pain? Chances are good that you're in need of a shoulder replacement procedure. You may need a new shoulder if you have chronic pain and [...]

3 Risks of Delaying Shoulder Replacement Surgery2023-09-26T22:46:03+00:00

Jersey Finger vs Mallet Finger: What’s the Difference?


Millions of children and teens participate in sports. It can be a great way to teach teamwork and responsibility, but playing often results in injury. Two of the most common injuries are Mallet finger and Jersey finger. One occurs often with baseball players, and the other gets its name from football. Jersey finger vs. Mallet [...]

Jersey Finger vs Mallet Finger: What’s the Difference?2023-09-11T21:26:49+00:00

5 Subtle Dislocated Wrist Symptoms You Should Know About


25% of wrist injuries such as carpal instability and dislocations are missed in clinics and on radiographs. If doctors occasionally struggle to identify these issues, it only makes sense that a patient would. It helps to know what to look for beyond the obvious symptoms. Read on to learn about five subtle dislocated wrist symptoms [...]

5 Subtle Dislocated Wrist Symptoms You Should Know About2023-09-11T21:26:16+00:00

5 Signs It’s Time to Visit a Wrist Surgeon


According to the National Library of Medicine, trends of wrist injuries presented to the US emergency departments have skyrocketed over the last ten years. Nearly 700,000 patients were identified with severe wrist injuries, and the overall patient admission rate continues to grow by 1.8%. This is why finding the best wrist surgeons in Boise is essential to [...]

5 Signs It’s Time to Visit a Wrist Surgeon2023-09-08T16:49:46+00:00

How to Recognize a Shoulder Dislocation


How to Recognize a Shoulder Dislocation The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body, allowing for a wide range of motion in various directions. This mobility enables us to easily perform both small and large movements. However, due to its extreme mobility, the shoulder is more prone [...]

How to Recognize a Shoulder Dislocation2023-06-23T16:29:33+00:00

What Does It Mean to Be a “Board Certified” Orthopedic Surgeon?


What Does It Mean to Be a "Board Certified" Orthopedic Surgeon? An orthopedic surgeon specializes in diagnosing, treating, preventing, and rehabilitating musculoskeletal injuries and diseases. This can be done both through surgical and non-surgical treatment. When we speak of the musculoskeletal system, we are referring to the joints, bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, [...]

What Does It Mean to Be a “Board Certified” Orthopedic Surgeon?2023-05-10T15:14:39+00:00

Signs You May Need a Shoulder Replacement


Signs You May Need a Shoulder Replacement In the United States, approximately 53,000 individuals undergo shoulder replacement surgery each year. Shoulder pain is a common problem affecting millions of Americans each year. If non-surgical treatments fail to give relief, shoulder replacement surgery may be the next step. This surgery can help restore [...]

Signs You May Need a Shoulder Replacement2023-05-09T15:05:22+00:00
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