Top AC Joint Separation Exercises to Boost Your Healing Process


Are you dealing with AC joint separation? Recovery from AC joint separation requires patience and care. One of the best ways to recover is through specific exercises that help strengthen the shoulder and reduce pain. What movements should you do to help your shoulder? Read on for the top AC joint separation exercises. Pendulum Swings Pendulum swings [...]

Top AC Joint Separation Exercises to Boost Your Healing Process2024-08-20T16:52:34+00:00



PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: CAST CARE Your cast may be water-resistant, but… Be careful, the padding beneath the cast surface is not waterproof or water repellent. Keep your cast as dry as possible to prevent skin irritation and odor. It is best to avoid letting the cast get [...]

PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: CAST CARE2022-05-03T17:42:00+00:00
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